Covid Vaccine “Cohort 6” Update
Dear patients of Gleadless Medical Centre and the Heeley Plus Network of practices, including:
- Sloans Medical Centre
- Sharrow Lane Medical Centre
- Heeley Green Surgery
- Carrfield Medical Centre
- Veritas Medical Centre
- Mathews Practice at Belgrave Medical Centre
- Totley Rise Medical Centre
- Abbey Lane Surgery
This is an update on where we are up to with the vaccination programme but vaccination clinics for the coming week are fully booked.
We are currently working hard and at very short notice to reach those aged 16 to 64 with an underlying health condition for their Covid Vaccine. This is tricky and it will mean that some young people will be being invited for a vaccine ahead of those aged 65 to 69. We have invited you if we think you have an underlying health condition based on the information we hold in your medical records.
We have checked if you meet the criteria set out in the Covid Vaccine Chapter of the “Green Book” – ( see Table 3 on p.10 below). The criteria are varied and open to some interpretation and we apologise if you have not received the invitation you expect or if you have been called and you are unsure why. Your own medical centre will be able to look into any enquiries you have but it may take them a while at this busy time.
Vaccinations continue to take place at the Mathews Practice on Asline Road, with a few AstraZeneca vaccines being made available to practices to help vaccinate those who are housebound or vulnerable.
What is Cohort 6 (Clinically Vulnerable)?
The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) states that the Clinically Vulnerable (Cohort 6) includes ‘all individuals aged 16 years to 65 years with underlying health conditions which put them at higher risk of serious disease and mortality’.
This includes:
- Chronic respiratory disease. In the case of asthma this means you need to be taking regular oral steroids (Prednisolone)
- Chronic heart disease and vascular disease
- Chronic kidney disease
- Chronic liver disease
- Chronic neurological disease, including severe or profound learning disability
- Diabetes mellitus
- Immunosuppression
- Asplenia or dysfunction of the spleen
- Morbid obesity (a BMI of over 40)
- Severe mental illness.
Cohort 6 also includes:
- Those who are eligible for a carer’s allowance, or those who are the main carer of an elderly or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if the carer falls ill. If this applies to you we will aim to invite you too, but only if we know about your carer status already. The local authority will also invite you, if they know you to be a carer, to attend a Mass Vaccination Centre such as Sheffield Arena, Don Valley.
- Residents in a long term residential facility, including those with learning disabilities.
What about the other age groups?
If you are aged 70 or more
We have been trying hard to contact you since the start of January and we remain very happy to book you in for your vaccine as and when we receive supplies. Please contact your own GP surgery to let them know your wishes, even if you do not want the vaccine.
If you know someone in this group and are worried they haven’t had their vaccine, please help them to reach out to their medical centre.
If you are aged 65 to 69 years
You will be contacted by the NHS directly and invited to a Mass Vaccination Centre such as Sheffield Arena in the Don Valley.
More detail from the ”Green Book” on Vaccinations
This is a very medical document but does answer many Of the more detailed questions.